Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Savor the Flavor


27 but I buffet my body, and bring it into bondage: lest by any means, after that I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected. (American Standard Version)
27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. (New King James Version )
 27 but I pommel my body and subdue it, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. (Revised Standard Version)

Paul took care of his body.  I'm sure (99.9% sure) that Paul was not into self-mutilation; that's not what he's talking about.  Also he is not talking about going to a restaurant that has all those different "food bars".He also writes to the church in Corinth that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3 and 6).  I did not take care of my body and now I am "paying" for it.  Since I mainly use the New International Version, I did not realize how the Revised Standard was worded.  But when the Bible was written in English, a translator decided to use pommel.  Now from watching the Olympics, I recognize that word (and who says TV is not educational).  The apparatus used in Olympics named the pommel horse is due to the two handles the gymnast uses to hold on to while doing their routine.

So why all this rambling.  I am finally losing weight and consciously giving an effort to it.  When anyone loses weight, you usually here the question: "How are you doing it?"  So I wanted to share with you how I am doing.

First of all I am not doing a diet plan. No eating only protein as some diets say. No eating grapefruit (that was a diet several years ago). No giving up carbs, starches or sweets.   

I have given up a few things, well, not given up but replaced.  The first thing I did was stop drinking Mt. D*w.  That was my choice due to my heart getting out of rythym and beating too fast(dx: afib).  I had to have shots for this and they were extremely painful (they were given in the abdomen).  A friend of ours in Ohio had the same problem and she had to have surgery to fix it. Then...are you ready for this?  You better be sitting down to read this next sentence. I finally stopped drinking soda (pop) completely.  I substituded lemonade and tea for the soda.  Eventually after years of "preaching" from my mom, wife, friends and co-workers I started to drink water (there are people that are stubborn like me; the more you tell them they shouldn't do something, they are going to do it that much more; I may have given up soda earlier...who knows?).  I do not eat at fast-food places.  I eat tortilla chips (they're baked not fried) instead of so many potato chips (I still have occassionally).

Diets are not "cookie-cutter".  One diet does not fit all (pun intended).  But this is not a diet, it is a change in eating.  My wife Jane grew up in a family that nothing is thrown away.  We would not leave the table until every dish was cleaned out.  Now, I leave the table when I am full.  If there is food left over, it is warmed-up for another meal.  Once-in-a-while we will have a buffet meal where I will clean out the fridge and freezer and fix food that wouldn't make a meal by itself but served with other dishes makes a meal. 

Do you enjoy eating.  Some people eat due to pyschological tendencies.  They feel they have no control or are being controlled, so they eat to have control over that food.  Actually, they are still being controlled.  Some eat because they are bored.  I was that kind of eater for years!  So, change your thought process.  Instead of enjoying eating, enjoy the food you're eating.  It is kind of like going to a wine tasting.  You take a sip of wine and let it linger in your mouth (never done it; again learning from TV).  Somebody took the time to go grocery shopping, preparing the food and putting it on the table.  Enjoy it.  This is something new I am doing.  Everyone has their favorite food(s).  I take my time more eating.  I have heard it say to chew each bite 32 times.  I don't do that but I allow my tastebuds to enjoy what's going into my mouth.  Instead of stopping and smelLing the roses, chew the food and enjoy the taste.  The faster you eat, the sooner you are going to be hungry again.

My goal is 50 pounds. I have lost 36.5 pounds.  After I reach 50 pounds, I will set a new goal.  I don't know what the new number will be.  Maybe not as high.  Seems like forever to lose this much.  Maybe higher since I am have learned some "tricks" along the way.

If you want to lose weight and use what I am using, fine.  If you use what I am using and don't lose weight, you can't sue me because I do not have a medical degree and I am not giving medical advise.  I just want to finally share with you my accomplishment and how I feel I am doing it.  Maybe what I am doing is all "hog-wash" and is only a coincidence but I am going to continue to do what I am doing.

So in conclusion...
     you are not giving up (that mentality tells your body you are taking  something away; we don't like stuff taken away from us; observe a  child's reaction when you do that to them) but replacing

    leave the table when you are full

    enjoy what you are eating...SAVOR THE FLAVOR

Skinnier in Christ,

PS: I apologize for the spelling errors in the last blog.  I used spell-check this time so hoplefully there are fewer spelling errors.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Commenting on the Comments

I was going to title this "Inquiring Minds Want to Know", but I was afraid that phrase may be copywrited due to the paper that goes alsong with that saying.  I don't need or want to be sued for violating copywrite material.  Commenting on the comments works just as well.  And I have a little friend here who will write cown my comments.

I received several comments regarding the freedom blog.  I did it again this week.  I went into Walmart.  It feels so good to be able to get around on that scooter.

Two comments (both from ladies) were concerned about the money aspect of this new-found freedom.  The first time I only purchased four things that were not on the list (two boxes of hamburg-pasta meal and two bags of flavored rice).  Today, I only purchased one thing that was not on the list---a jar of salsa.  I am very picky about my salsa, so when I find a brand I like I get it.

Another comment asked why I chose now to go into Walmart.  Well, for two reasons.  Jane was going in for Christmas cards (you know, the after-Christmas specials...50% off).  I figuered she would want my input.  Second, Jane was finally going to replace the answering machine that has been out of commission for months.  Again, I figured she would want my input.  Therefore, I couldn't let her go in the store alone (lol).

Enjoying my new-found freedom,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Freedom Isn't Free

Usually when you hear about the topic of freedom, it is Memorial Day and the 4th of July.  Memorial Day---the day we focus on the members of the Armed Services and their time and effort to keep the United States free.  The Fourth of July---the day we remember the United States becoming free in the first place from England.

So why I am taliking about freedom in January?  There is something I want to share with you.  It is a point of rejoicing for me. Remember the three parables from Luke 10 of the lost things and each time there was rejoicing when the lost was found.  Well, I am not rejoicing over anything lost being found...well maybe.

Tuesday, December 28th I did something that I had not done for about two years.  I went into Walmart.  Due to my health I always sat in the car while Jane went in to get whatever I needed.  On this day, I decided I was going into Walmart.  Jane dropped me off at the door.  I sat on the bench in the entrance while she parked the car.  Then we went in.  I looked at the wheelchairs...too narrow for this big guy.  So I hopped on one of the scooters.  It wouldn't move.  While I was trying to figure out how to drive this thing (I mean how hard could it be) another customer on a scooter came over to park hers and offered it to me.  I hopped on her scooter and I was off running (so to speak).  I had total freedom and I felt it.  After awhile, I was leaving Jane and exploring on my own (they had rearranged the Walmart since I had been in it).  Jane was so patient with me.  She would come looking for me and then I would take off again.

Just as that scooter gives individuals freedom, Jesus came to gives us freedom.  John 8:36 records Jesus's words:  "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."  Now what Jesus is talking about here is the freedom from sin.  If we have repented and been baptized, we have been freed from sin.  Paul wrote to the church in Galatia not to use their freedom to continue in sin (Galatians 5:13 NIV).  Paul wrote to the Roman church not to keep sinning because we know God will forgive us (my interpretation; read Romans 6:1 and 2).
Jesus not only came to free us from the penalty of sin.  Romans 6:23---"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life." Jesus dies and rose again to conquer death.  Paul wrote to the church in Corinth about this. Jesus not only came to free us from sin, Jesus came to give us the victory over death.  It's right there in black and white (as they say) recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:55-57.

I am so thnakful that Jesus has set me free of my past life.  No, I am not one who believes in reincarnation.  I am referring to the past life (the life I was living) before I was a Christian.  1 Corinthians 5:17---"If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone and the new has come."  How do we get "in Christ"?  Galatians 3:27 tells us that anyone who is baptized clothe themselves with Christ.  When you get dressed, you are in your clothes.  When you get baptized and remain faithful (John 15:1-6), you are in Christ.

Just I enjoy the freedoms we have living in America, and the freedom I had in Walmart, I so much more enjoy the freedom from sin Christ has given me.  And some day, I will have the freedom over death and rise to go to my new home in Heaven. 

Free in Christ,