Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Commenting on the Comments

I was going to title this "Inquiring Minds Want to Know", but I was afraid that phrase may be copywrited due to the paper that goes alsong with that saying.  I don't need or want to be sued for violating copywrite material.  Commenting on the comments works just as well.  And I have a little friend here who will write cown my comments.

I received several comments regarding the freedom blog.  I did it again this week.  I went into Walmart.  It feels so good to be able to get around on that scooter.

Two comments (both from ladies) were concerned about the money aspect of this new-found freedom.  The first time I only purchased four things that were not on the list (two boxes of hamburg-pasta meal and two bags of flavored rice).  Today, I only purchased one thing that was not on the list---a jar of salsa.  I am very picky about my salsa, so when I find a brand I like I get it.

Another comment asked why I chose now to go into Walmart.  Well, for two reasons.  Jane was going in for Christmas cards (you know, the after-Christmas specials...50% off).  I figuered she would want my input.  Second, Jane was finally going to replace the answering machine that has been out of commission for months.  Again, I figured she would want my input.  Therefore, I couldn't let her go in the store alone (lol).

Enjoying my new-found freedom,


  1. I love your little press secretary. Good for you. I am so glad that you have chosen to go with your wife these last two times. I know from a woman's perspective, I (usually) like it when Pops comes into the store with me. Then I don't have to ever answer the question, "Where did you spend all the money?"

  2. I, also, like it when Bill goes shopping with me. I think he likes to shop as much as I do. No wonder he likes it so much though....I usually buy him something when we go!!

    Glad you are trying new things daddy Jeff!! Love you and Jane!!
