Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A New Chapter

Yesterday, Tuesday March 8, 2011, I started a new chapter in my life.  One I never imagined I would be writing this soon in my life.  But as I have written in the past two blogs, you never know what life...God...has in store.

Yesterday I resigned from the mental health agency that I had been with for 5 1/2 years.  We used the acronym ACRP.  The official name was Alternative Community Resource Program.  You can see why the letters ACRP are used.  It was a great agency to work for and I was planning to be with them for many years.  However, I was noticing that I wasn't able to perform my duties 100% due to my health.

I am now retired from the ministry/youth ministry even though I still preach and still work with the children at the church we attend.  And now, I am going into early retirement at 47 years old (48 in July).  It has been a long thought-out decision and process.

Of course I want to share Scripture with you.  Hebrews 12:2...

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,
the author and perfecter of our faith,
who for the joy set before Him endured the cross,
scorning its shame,
and sat down at the right hand of God. (NIV)

Jesus is the author of our lives.  Have you ever seen the email "Where God puts a period, don't put a question mark."  What God says, do; don't question.  But as humans we like to question.  Young children go through the "why" phase.  Boy, is that an irritating phase!!!!  Some of us don't grow out of that phase and do the same with God. 

Moses questioned God when told to go lead the Israelites out of Egypt.  Gideon questioned God when told to fight the enemies of Israel.   Isaiah questioned God.  Ananias questioned God when told to go to Saul (Paul).  But notice that all these people were used by God.

What does God have in store for you?  Allow God to lead.  Commit your plans to God.  If it doesn't work out, overcome the disappointment and look for something else.

Trying to follow God's lead,


  1. Jeff, I just got around to reading your past three posts. They are great! And I'm not just saying that. But I want MORE! As I was reading I thought, No, that can't be it already!

    You have an amazing talent in writing and teaching. Your blog could be a great tool and service to many. I want more!

    There I've said it. Let it be done! lol

  2. Good stuff, Jeff. You are a great teacher and leader. You are very compassionate and have a huge gift of LISTENING when people talk. And then you remember what they say. Keep it up. God is using you.
